Wednesday, 14 October 2020

How To Share Your Hotspot With Family Without Requiring A Passcode?

Now that the world is suffering from a global pandemic, work from home has become the new normal and that means you need a steady Internet connection to get going. But what do you do when your bandwidth is low and the Wi-Fi is giving trouble? You turn to a mobile hotspot, which always comes in handy.  But sometimes your family members may not be around to give you the password, in that case, we’re here to help.
There is a way you can get rid of that arduous task of constantly re-entering the password to login, for smooth connectivity. The Smooth Sharing feature is here to solve the problem for you.

It is important to keep in mind that not every service provider offers this service, thus call up your service provider and check with them for the plan.

There is a detailed step wise guide on how to enable family sharing on an apple device. At MyImagine, we are here to guide you through.