Recently WhatsApp has introduced a feature in which a user can link WhatsApp to up to 4 devices at a time without requiring a smartphone. Though the initial drill of linking WhatsApp to another device remains the same the users can access WhatsApp on their devices without needing their smartphone.
Here are the steps to do the same: -
Launch WhatsApp on your iPhone.
Select Settings -> Linked Devices.
Tap Multi-Device Beta, then tap the blue Join Beta button.
Tap Back and select Link a Device on the previous screen.
On your Mac, launch the WhatsApp app or go to in a web browser, then scan the QR code that appears using your iPhone.
Though this feature has proven to be very beneficial for many it comes with a few cons too. One still cannot delete messages through a linked device and also doesn't have the facility to call/video call someone over the web especially if the person is still using an outdated version of whatsApp.
Moreover, the linked divides automatically get un-linked if the user doesn't use his/her phone for a period of 14 days. But WhatsApp ensures that the messages between users are end-to-end encrypted no matter the device. Lastly, because this feature is still in beta, WhatsApp warns users that their service and quality might be affected though users are free to leave beta anytime.
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